Alpha: A werewolf who is dominant.

Animator, The: A news magazine about zombies that Anita reads.

Anitaverse: Reference to the world of Anita Blake

Beast: How lycanthropes refer to the non-human part of themselves.

Dominant: Someone who exercises influence and control over others. In the werewolf pack, dominance is established by challenging other pack members. Dominance fights are rarely to the death and sometimes are not physical fights at all. If the werewolf being challenged does not wish to fight, they simply acknowledge dominance, and thats that.

Death: What the monsters call Edward

Executioner, The: What the monsters call Anita

Freki: The Ulfric's second in command in the werewolf pack. There are usually two seconds in command. The other is called a Geri. (Freki is the name of one of Odin's two wolves. It means "fierce".)

Hati: The head enforcer of the werewolf pack. There are usually two enforcers and the second is called Skoll. (According to Norse legends the god Odin cast the sun and the moon into the sky, condemned to lead Day and Night for eternity. To keep them moving at a fast pace, the sun is chased by the wolf Skoll, while the moon is chased by his brother Hati. The end of the world will begin with the eating of the sun by Skoll, who will in turn be eaten by his brother Hati.)

Holy Water: Water that has been blessed. Causes acid-like burns when in contact with a vampire's skin.

Human Servant: A human that is marked by a master vampire. A human servant allows the master vampire to taste food, siphon their energy, communicate mind-to-mind, and enter their dreams. A human servant usually conducts any daytime business the master might have. Advantages for the human servant include immunity to vampire's eyes, strength, stamina, healing, resistance to injury, and immunity to disease and poison. It takes 4 marks to complete the process. After the 4th mark, the human servant is as immortal as the master vampire. However, if one dies the other will likely die also.

Killing Dance: How werewolves refer to both sex and battles of succession.

Lion Passant: A leader of the wereleopards who is a sleeping lion. This would be a leader that led but did not protect

Lupa: An alpha female werewolf who mates with the Ulfric. Alpha couples usually bind for life

Lycanthropy Serum: A serum that prevents a human from being infected by a lycanthrope. There have been bad batches of the serum which cause the disease instead of preventing it.

Mind Rolling:The ability of a vampire to "embrace" a human's mind while taking their blood. It is an extremely pleasurable feeling

Nimir-Ra The female leader of the wereleopards

Preternatural Supernatural. Beyond the normal course of nature

Sacrifice A ritual killing of a living being in order to raise power

Skoll The head enforcer of the werewolf pack. There are usually two enforcers and the second is called Hati. (According to Norse legends the god Odin cast the sun and the moon into the sky, condemned to lead Day and Night for eternity. To keep them moving at a fast pace, the sun is chased by the wolf Skoll, while the moon is chased by his brother Hati. The end of the world will begin with the eating of the sun by Skoll, who will in turn be eaten by his brother Hati.)

Stalking Horse A lesser vampire who is used by a Master vampire to protect himself from challenges. The lesser vampire pretends to be the Master Vampire so all the challenges come his way. When the lesser vampire (or stalking horse) is killed, the true Master just finds another

Triumvirate Three beings who can share their power to create a larger whole

Ulfric A dominant alpha male werewolf who leads the pack. To become Ulfric, a werewolf must kill the existing Ulfric, thus taking his place

Vampire Junkie A human who enjoys being bitten by vampires

Vampire Quarterly A news magazine about vampires that Anita reads

Vargamor A human psychic or witch that acts as a wise woman for a werewolf pack. A vargamor is not lukoi and is always neutral. She never fights or takes sides in challenges. This allows her to remain human, yet still run with the pack. Most packs consider having a vargamor old-fashioned and no longer have one.